About Me

My Journey to UX Design

My two decades as an interactive theater artist and producer led me to focus on user experience. At Blue Man Group, I balanced stakeholder and project management with countless hours of ideating, prototyping, iterating, and, ultimately, delivering experiences our audiences would love.

My interactive theater company improvised dramatic stories around strangers. We needed to read every cue the audience volunteer gave us about what they wanted from a story – and do it while entertaining the viewing audience. In the five years I ran the company, I built a team that was willing to take huge risks for each other, which encouraged audience participants to push their own boundaries. 

When we design with people in mind first, no matter what we design, we design better. That’s what I care about, and that’s why I do this.

What I've Done

The attention-grabber on my CV is Creative Producer for Blue Man Group, where I oversaw four creative studios and three blue tricksters. I spent an amazing decade working my way up in the international entertainment company.

I also specialize in a style of interactive performance that empowers adults to play as actors build a story around them. It requires engagement and immersion, as well as serious empathy and storytelling skills.

As a freelance producer in Amsterdam, I’ve led everything from a VR shoot that took me high above London to a social media campaign that helped pass EU legislation to one of Europe’s leading XR conferences.

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